AIAA CE Courses

Managing Effectively (1.5 Credit Hour) TDI Course No.


Chapter 5:


5.1    Some Barriers to Effective Agency Management (EM):

  • Failure to explain why when giving directives or making changes
  • Failure have clear, written expectations and measurable, time-bound performance standards
  • Failure to give credit when credit is due
  • Taken credit for employees ideas without giving credit
  • Insensitivity, bluntness and uncaring
  • Poor delegating skills
  • Untrained in effective management
  • Showing favoritism
  • Failure to share how employees will be measured
  • Failure to give timely and accurate performance reviews
  • Has a zero tolerance for mistakes, therefore employees hide problems
  • Will accept any excuse from employees over customer concerns


5.2    Why do the following Barriers to Effective Management (EM) at Some Agencies? Could it be because of:

  • Preprogrammed decisions or behavior)
  • Skills and personality of the manager
  • Inability of the manager to vary his/her style to fit the situation and followers
  • Lack of control by manager over rewards
  • Characteristics of the agency’s situation
  • Openness of the agency to variations in management style